Tuesday, February 9, 2010

How can we stop crime in an effective manner?

My ideas for preventing crime in the United States are as follows

Personally, I think that if poverty is put to an end, crime will follow as well. We need a number of things to be done. People are always going to do drugs. There's no way to stop that. We might as well legalize all of them, and put regulations on them. We also need to get rid of the chance of parole for people who commit violent crimes. Society doesn't need more violent people back out in the streets. I'd say those are two of the biggest concerns as far as crime goes. Another thing, white collar criminals need far more harsher punishments. Enough of this "three years in jail then out" business. These people steal millions of dollars and they get out of jail in a measly three years? We need to be harded on these people. Just because they're rich and middle-aged and white doesn't mean that they don't deserve a punishment. I think these solutions will all work well, but I think it would consume a lot of time to get these things done and agreed upon, especially making all drugs legal and harsher punishment for white collar criminals. A lot of people in government probably wouldn't like the thought of having all drugs legalized and their rich friends in business getting some long jail time for their wrongdoings. Convincing the people in government to allow these things to pass is sure to be quite a challenge. But I think that it is completely plausible.